Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Surgical Cure for Migraines

***Do you know about - Surgical Cure for Migraines

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To say that surgery can cure migraines is a bold statement. recent studies from Case Western retain University, Cleveland Clinic, Georgetown University, and the University of Texas Southwestern curative town have pointed out a mechanical presuppose for migraines and have shown that surgery can positively provide a cure for the majority of throbbing head patients. I want to take a few moments of your time and discuss the evolution and rational for these treatments.

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How is Surgical Cure for Migraines

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Southwestern Eye Center.

Lets look at the progression of throbbing head treatment, starting with the discovery of Botox® as a treatment. Botox was originally used by ophthalmologists to treat blepharospasm (a qoute with the eye muscles). A husband and wife team (ophthalmologist and dermatologist) found that Botox decreased frown lines in the forehead. That was the start of cosmetic Botox use. What any plastic surgeons noted was that patients treated with Botox who also happened to suffer from throbbing head reported a necessary decrease in the frequency and duration of their headaches. Neurologists made note of this advantage and began learning Botox as a treatment. After any studies, Botox was stylish by the Fda as treatment for migraines.

Shortly after this it was noted by some plastic surgeons that patients reported relief of their migraines following forehead rejuvenation, whether by open or endoscopic brow lift. This lead to any studies showing four coarse trigger sites for migraines:

Where the nerve that gives feeling to the central forhead passes through the scowling muscles above the eyebrows Where the sensory nerve to the temples and side of the forehead / scalp passes over the temples and the chewing muscles underneath At the back of the head where the sensory nerves pass through the muscles that hold your head straight and help you look up From problems within the nose - such as a deviated septum or other deformity on the inside.

The advantage of throbbing head surgery was still questioned, so a superior study was designed. A group of about 70 people agreed to have surgery with 20 of them randomly superior to have a sham operation. That means that they had the anesthesia and the incision, but then nothing was done to the nerves. Only the surgeon and the operating team knew who had the real surgery. Things were kept straightforward so only a singular nerve compression site was released. After a duration of recovery, a separate physician examined the patients and asked them about their symptoms. He had no idea who had the real surgery and who had a sham operation since they all had the same incision.

The results were remarkable. A majority had no supplementary migraines and most of the remainder had a necessary decrease in the number and severity of headache. The analyst did not know which patients had the sham course and yet was able to tell who was real with certainty most of the time. Since then the surgery has been improved to contain all 4 sites. Now the complete relief group is higher than 80%.

Studies are ongoing now to help shape out why there are still some non-responders. It seems likely that two other causes may illustrate the persistent pain and both are due to the nerves wrapping colse to local arteries. The temporal artery can wrap colse to the nerve to the temple region giving an intense pulsing migraine. The same can happen in the back of the head with the occipital artery. treatment of these conditions may enhance the surgery even further.

So how does this work? You might be referred to the plastic surgeon by your neurologist, your internist, or you can refer yourself. The plastic surgeon will probably send you a sick log where you fill out details for at least one months worth of migraines. This log will help decree what type of migraines you have and where the likely sites of nerve compression and irritation are located. You may also be asked to get a Ct scan of your sinuses to see if you have any nasal problems that can cause your migraines or add to the symptoms of other trigger points. You will likely be asked to fill out an supplementary questionnaire to provide more facts about your headaches.

The next step is often a trial of Botox injections. The purpose is to confirm the trigger(s) for the migraines and help confirm the surgical plan. Relief typically occurs within 1 to 2 weeks. Any residual symptoms are noted.

Next a surgical plan is formulated and discussed with the patient. The surgery typically takes about 2 - 2 1/2 hours, depending on the number of trigger sites. Complications are minimal and return to work regularly takes about 1 week - slightly longer if nasal surgery was required.

Is throbbing head surgery for you? Although the criteria are not written in stone, I think that you should think surgery if you have throbbing head symptoms more than 14 days out of every 28 and if you do not have a good corollary from accepted curative treatments. I also think you should think the surgery if your migraines influence your quality to work or affects your general collective relationships.

For more facts you can ask about migraines on my website or contact my office at 770 682-3375 to agenda an appointment.

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